Thursday, September 1, 2011

BCT Packing List

In less than a week I'll be on my way! My bags are packed and I'm ready to go- I'm going to look more like the guy walking down the road with a red handkerchief tied to a stick over his shoulder than a soldier. There's not a whole lot you need to (or can) bring.

Here's the list of what I'll be shipping with. I'll report back when I come home as to how useful this list was. [Post-BCT comments in red]
  • NG backpack with nametape and rank insignia
  • Civilian clothes (one set in addition to what I'll be wearing) [You'll just need what you have on your back. Don't bring anything you're not willing to throw away- not everything will fit in the bags they issue you after you receive your initial issue of gear at reception and I ended up parting with a pair of shoes that couldn't be crammed into my duffel bag.]
  • Master Lock Speed Dial- Perfect for a BCT environment as they are easily opened under pressure and in the dark. Set it up EXACTLY like the directions say or it won't work.
  • Pre-addressed/stamped envelopes
  • Bible, pocket size 
  • Q-tips (100) [500]
  • Fox River Maximum Socks, Tan [OD Green, check your local PX] (3-5 pairs)
  • Watch
  • Sharpie (2)
  • Black Pen (2)
  • Notebook
  • Toothbrush
  • $20 cash
  • ATM card

Travel-sized items:
  • Toothpaste
  • Body wash
  • Razor
  • Shaving Cream
  • Foot powder [Issued at BCT]
[You'll be given a $350 "gift card" (that's taken out of your first paycheck) for the PX so you can buy more items that you need when you get there- they'll give you a list of what you need. The card will be used to restock on items you need throughout basic and pay for haircuts every 2 weeks.]

  • DL
  • Military ID [If you've been issued one already. Active and Army Reserve didn't have one yet.]
  • Social Security Card
The rest of the documents are on file with the RSP Cadre who put together a packet that I'll take with me. 

The goal is to travel as light as possible. The backpack hardly weighs anything. [Which turned out to be a huge advantage when I was holding over my head for two hours.] Let's roll.

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