Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Eight Week Mark

Even though my basic is currently set for September, my goal is to be ready in the next 8 weeks so I can leave sooner if a spot opens up. I am following the workout plan outlined in The Ultimate Basic Training Guidebook by Michael Volkin. Since I have difficulty adjusting to new sleeping patterns I'm also waking up at 0500 to get used to the change. I'll bump it up to 0430 in a few weeks once the daily PT takes more time.

1 comment:

  1. Well I never got the opportunity to bump my date up, but I guess leaving in September has its advantages- South Carolina will be on the back side of summer and temps will start sliding back down, the JROTC high schoolers will be back in school hopefully bumping up the level of maturity among the other soldiers that will be in my BCT platoon, and I get more time to prepare physically.


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