Saturday, July 23, 2011

Getting the Family Ready for BCT

I've been blessed with a wife that has supported me from day one on this adventure and before I go I'm going to do my best to make this transition as smooth as possible on her. I've attached a link with  a checklist from the Navy that covers almost all the basics to make sure your family has what they need to function when you're called up.
(If for some reason this link doesn't work just google "pre-deployment checklist AND family")

Some of the big things to make sure are ready before I leave are to have some extra cash on hand in the savings account to cover anything unexpected, set her up with a General Power of Attorney (doubt she'll need it, but better safe than sorry), and find the contact information for the Family Readiness Group (FRG) that's connected to my unit so she can use them as a resource if she has any questions that pop up while I'm gone. I also need to teach her how to use the lawn mower. She's never had the joy of running one before, but if this intolerable heat and lack of rain keep up whatever is left of the lawn will spontaneously combust and she'll get off the hook.

Since we don't have family close by I'm really glad our friends are willing and able to be there for her while I'm training. It puts my mind at ease knowing she can call them for anything and that they'll be there to help keep her busy and support her emotionally.

I'm sure we'll learn a lot in terms of what to do before and during my active duty orders so be on the lookout later for any wisdom under the "Family" tag. We're also open to suggestions if you have any experience in this area- leave me a comment.

Special thanks in advance to my small group, other church friends, and my wife's work buddies- y'all rock and we're glad to have you in our lives. And thanks to my wife for your love and support- you're beautiful and I couldn't do this without you.


  1. If I lived by you, I would be there to support your lovely wife as well. :)

  2. Well thanks :) You'd probably like Austin. It's like Denver without the mountains... sort of.

  3. i will send my husband over to mow your lawn for your wife!! ha! then Ike could play with your sweet pup. we are here for your wife if she needs anything!!


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